is a sacred creation for you,
by you, and through you
to feel EMPOWERED and VALUED for who you are . . . today!
(you know . . . not waiting for the proverbial someday to feel good about yourself)
The Million Dollar Babe Project is not about the money, it's about YOU . . .
discovering within you, your value and courageously expressing your value in the world.
Allow your inner fire to burn away the energetic hand-me-downs of poverty mentality.
Commit to freeing yourself from self-imposed limitations.
No more timid tiptoeing, playing small, or apologizing for who you are.
Focus on your assets (your strengths, inner resources, and gifts)
"The Million Dollar Babe Project will help you appreciate the value of your greatest asset - YOU!"
-MARCI SHIMOFF, New York Times bestselling author of, Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason